I had taste variety of foods and I love fruits especially pears. Rice is not my favourite but when Ummi blended it with carrot, it is yummy and sweet.
Today I would like to share with you my favourite foods.. taraaa
Pears are high in fiber, potassium and Vitamin C. They are a great fruit because when I eat pears it is easy for me to poo.
I love rice mixed with carrot. The sweetness of carrot makes me feel like I am eating an ice cream.. hehe..
Useful Fact:
Carrots are very high in beta carotene. Beta carotene is a Carotenoid. Caratenoids are a set of darkly colored pigments called provitamin A carotenoids that can be converted to Vitamin A. Vitamin A is very important in infant's diet. I will do research about all these vitamins and mineral later ok..
Rice + spinach+king steak fish
I am not really like this 'bubur'. The fish is quite smelly. But Ummi said fish is good because I can get a complete protein from Mr Fish.
Useful Fact:
Spinach is an amazing source of Calcium! Spinach also contains Vitamin A and Selenium too!
Variety of fruits (apple, pear, peach, nectarine and avocado)
I am eager to try more delicious foods but for now the most important food is still MILK..
See you again..