Wednesday 18 November 2009

Luqman Hakim@13 months old

Luqman tengah buat kerja rumah

Luqman has grown so Luqman is already 13 months old and continues to explore and learn new things. Sekarang ummi nak update apa yang Luqman dah pandai buat.

1-Luqman can walk very well and sometimes he runs when he had the opportunity to do that especially when we are at the shopping malls

2-Wave bye-bye everytime we said 'bye bye' and clap his hands. Luqman sangat suka dengar music Thomas n Friends dan goyang2 badan dia sambil bertepuk.

3- He also can put circle shape into his shape sorter. Now he is learning to put the square pula.

4- and the best moment is to see him imitating our activities, menyapu, mengvakum, memasak dan pam air ke dalam botol. Semoga bila besar nanti Luqman rajin tolong Ummi buat kerja rumah ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

leh geng dgn miya, suka vacuum rumah..kekadang kitorang ber2 berebut vacuum.